The answers to the most frequently asked questions about CheckSig and its services.


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If you are a company, contact us and we will assist you in collecting the necessary documentation.Our team will be able to support you and guide you in the best possible way even in the handling of anti-money laundering (AML) procedures until your account is opened.


Just send us a request to which we will respond with a destination address, using both an e-mail and a fully encrypted chat (Whatsapp, Telegram or Signal). You will be able to transfer your Bitcoins to that address and we will send you a formal deposit receipt when the transaction is confirmed. Our team will always be available to guide you step by step in the simple process of sending Bitcoins to our address, both in person and in videocall, should it be necessary.


Of course, even if for convenience and to protect your privacy we tend to advise against it. Paying in Bitcoin is easy, fast and guarantees the protection of your privacy: CheckSig will simply hold the funds from your custodian account, and no payments will be visible on your checking account or on your credit card statement.


We mainly deal with the custody of Bitcoin, which is the digital asset par excellence both in terms of market capitalization and liquidity. Furthermore, the intrinsic characteristics of the Bitcoin protocol allow us to guarantee you truly uncompromising security. In addition to Bitcoin, we can also receive Ether and stablecoins in deposit, guarded with solutions based on multi-party computation.


Your Bitcoins are safe with us, no matter what might happen to CheckSig. In addition to our ordinary custody process, in fact, we can guarantee solid and reliable fund recovery procedures even in the event of catastrophic or exceptionally serious scenarios. You will find all the details in our Custody Protocol. The Bitcoins we hold are also segregated from our corporate assets and cannot be claimed by creditors even in the event of bankruptcy.


No, you are free to withdraw all your funds at any time. The fees are based on the deposited amount: if there are no funds in custody there is no fee.


We will ask you to send us a destination address for your Bitcoins using both an e-mail and a fully encrypted chat (Whatsapp, Telegram or Signal). We will also verify your identity via videocall with a member of our team. Your Bitcoins will be transferred to the destination address at the next scheduled secure opening of our vault. The waiting time between your withdrawal request and the availability of funds is an additional security measure which aims to drastically reduce the risk of fraud.In the event of an immediate need for your funds, we can guarantee liquidity in a business day for a one-time fee.


Depending on your jurisdiction you may need to include your Bitcoin assets in your tax return. CheckSig is not a withholding agent and does not provide tax consultancy services, however if necessary we can introduce you to our network of independent tax consultants with specific know-how on cryptocurrencies.To make it even easier we can provide you with your Crypto Tax Report, which consists of complete documentation of all your transactions such as transfers and withdrawals, sales and purchases. We will take care of its compilation and all the calculations. Here you will find the details on pricing.

Crypto Tax Report

We at CheckSig do our best to offer our customers the most value and best of experiences, but we cannot guarantee that specific Airdrops or Forks are supported. We reserve the right to decide on a case-by-case basis based on multiple factors, including:

  • The solidity and safety of the technical solutions available
  • Market capitalization and liquidity on the main world stock exchanges
  • Compatibility with CheckSig's commercial and service obligations

The purchase operations are carried out by our operators within a few hours from when the euro funds are available on the exchange identified by CheckSig for the execution of the operation. The transfer of funds on the exchange requires the execution of two separate transfers:

  • From your bank account to the brokerage current account in the name of CheckSig, whose coordinates will be communicated to you at the time of the order;
  • From the brokerage current account in the name of CheckSig to the exchange (operation by CheckSig).

Where possible, we recommend that you use the Instant Transfer service offered by your bank, which reduces the times of these transfers from a few days to a few minutes, and allows us to complete the purchase more quickly.

Buying and selling

The sales operations are carried out by our operators within a few hours from when the Bitcoins to be sold are available on the exchange identified by CheckSig for the execution of the operation. Transferring Bitcoins to the exchange requires that they be withdrawn from your CheckSig account, in one of the following ways:

  • Ordinary withdrawal from your CheckSig account, according to the standard process which involves 5 working days, necessary for the delayed safe opening of our vault;
  • Withdrawal in Instant Liquidity mode, which allows you to have the funds available for sale within one business day, with an additional cost.

The standard solution is ideal if you are not in a hurry. If, on the other hand, you wish to capture a particular market moment, we suggest that you request a sale combined with the Instant Liquidity service, which allows us to complete the sale within one business day.

Buying and selling

The Italian fiscal legislation provides for an annual stamp tax of 0.2% on cryptocurrency activities.
The tax does not apply if the cryptocurrency balance at the end of the month is zero and you did not perform operations during the month. This means that the CheckSig account does not have costs unless it is used.
If instead it is used, the stamp tax is levied through a monthly charge on the Euro balance of your account, calculated as follows:

  • the cryptocurrency balance at the end of the month is converted to Euros at the end-of-month exchange rate
  • the tax is calculated as cryptocurrency balance at the end of the month converted to Euros / days in the year * days in the month * 0.2%, with a minimum of €1,00

Fees do not apply if the cryptocurrency holding in the month is zero. This means that the CheckSig account does not have costs unless it is used.
If instead it is used, the fees are charged monthly on the Euro balance of your account, calculated as follows:

  • the average monthly cryptocurrency holding is determined, converted to Euros at the end-of-month exchange rate
  • the commission rate (expressed on an annual basis) is determined, depending on the average monthly holding. This percentage varies according to the slabs indicated within the private area of your account, in the section “Account Information” -> “Service Cost”
  • the monthly fee is determined as average monthly holding * annual commission rate / 12

Open an account

With your account, you have access to all CheckSig services. Great services, at competitive rates.


See the FAQs. For further questions or enquiries, our support is always available.

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